Clothing with buttons, zippers, buckles or snaps are NOT permitted.
Gi Jackets and Gi Pants must match.
Gi must be clean and dry when class begins.
A shirt must always be worn under your Gi Jackets.
Jewelry cannot be worn while training.
Students are expected to be clean and odor free while attending class. This includes all articles of clothing (including but not limited to smoke and/or alcohol).
Uniforms and Belts are to be washed after each class.
Finger and Toenails must be clean and trimmed.
Long hair must be pulled back or away from your face
(ex. Ponytail, Braid, Bun, etc.)
Conduct & Expectations
Conduct & Expectations
Minimum talking (and volume) during class.
Foul or inappropriate language is not permitted and can lead to dismissal.
Students who are sick in any way should stay home (we do not want to spread germs).
Shoes, eating or drinking are NOT permitted on the mats (this includes gum).
Lobby is to be kept clean and clear – use cubbies – nothing permitted on floor.
Mobile devices are to be off, silent, or on vibrate.